Healing School

Opening soon. Scroll down and join the list to be notified.

Dearest High Priestess,

What if you could unlock your body’s ancient knowledge and wisdom to naturally radiate divine healing,


Vibrationally shift yourself and others with the power of your presence,


Shed any energetic layers cloaking your unique frequency to unveil your gifts & superpowers,


Actively engage with Spirit & The Field in a space of divine guidance ,


& Stand fearlessly in your soul-aligned purpose while holding space for others to grow into and explore theirs as well?


I offer you these gifts and more within Healing School. 


After helping thousands over the past two decades as a Flow of Grace practitioner and experiencing its transformative healing energetics, I am honored to invite a very limited number of seekers to carry on this lineage in my advanced mentorship program, Healing School.

If you’re ready to fully embody your highest expression of The Divine Feminine, experience profound transformation in all areas of your life, enter into serious playful intimacy with Spirit & The Field, and become a radiant channel of The Flow of Grace, this mentorship is for you.

You will:

  • Experience a more intimate, rich, fun, fulfilling, & beautiful connection with life

  • Strengthen your intuitive abilities

  • Learn to work with the galactic and ethereal powers that create our lives 

  • Begin to move through the world more deliberately, more intentionally, and more resourced from within

  • Crystallize your capacities to create from your heart & magnetize what you desire

  • Begin to intuitively cultivate meaning and sacredness in all areas of your life

  • Find grounding in your body & come home to yourself

  • Strengthen your aura and your ability to manage your energy with intention

  • Develop healthy energetic boundaries with others

  • Supercharge the work you’re already doing and open new pathways for your gifts

  • Open a flow of divine synchronicity in your life

  • Grow into your potential as a leader and naturally call forth leadership qualities in others

  • Deepen your relationships and intimacy with others

  • Feel divinely, wholly held on a soul level

  • Find a willingness to share with others through ritual, play, ceremony, and most of all, by example

This mentorship is unlike anything I have ever created.

You will embark on a 1:1 soul-led journey through the landscapes of your inner world to reclaim your ancient High Priestess feminine archetype. You will weave through wisdom, study, practices, attunements, and apprenticeship to awaken your deepest gifts. You will uncover and transform parts of yourself that have remained dormant for decades (sometimes lifetimes), come into spiritual, mental, and physical right-alignment, untether innate healing powers that have been waiting to come forth, and emerge a practitioner in The Flow of Grace.

I tailor your mentorship to meet you where you are in your evolutionary process. You will receive attunements, activations, and energetic templates channeled specifically for you as we move through your spiritual, relational, personal, and business evolution. Throughout your Healing School transformation, chrysalis, and soulful re-birth, I will walk with you as a teacher, mentor, and High Priestess sister.

  If you have come to a place in your life where you are ready and willing to be a leader and reclaim your innate divinity, this is the path. It is time to bring your treasures forward; the world is ready. Step into your gifts and apprentice with Katie.

Level One

Becoming the Flow of Grace


10 classes | 60-75 min each.

Level One opens you as a channel to The Flow of Grace with ten attunements over ten classes and brings your vibrational body into energetic integrity & alignment. You will reclaim your High Priestess archetype and inherent divinity, enter into communion with creative powers and your higher self, and learn to work with and vibrationally shift your inner world, physical body, and sourced-self as a tool for change. Classes include:

  • Introduction to The Flow of Grace

  • The High Priestess Archetype

  • I AM the Word

  • Centering and Grounding Techniques

  • Somatic Intelligence

  • Supporting the Nervous System

  • Short Self-treatments & Full Self-treatments

  • Working with your Emotional Body & Supporting Emotional Intelligence

  • Personal and Divine Will

  • Energetic Integrity and Alignment

  • Working with the 1st-7th Chakras

  • Security, Desires, Needs, Creation, & Sensuality

  • Heart, Throat, & Third Eye Techniques

  • Voice, Vision, Wisdom, & Spiritual Intelligence

  • Connecting with The Field/Guides/Guidance/Higher Self

  • Techniques for Receiving Guidance

  • Practices for Listening Deeply

  • Releasing Energy Techniques

  •   Organ Consciousness & Talking to Organs

  •   Integration + Completion

We’ll meet over the phone, zoom, live in person, or a combination depending on your location. A detailed class syllabus will be shared before we begin.

 Level Two

Working with Others


10 classes | 60-75 min each.

Level Two expands your vibrational body and gives you the tools & techniques to work with others and tap into Galactic wisdom across time and space. You will learn to become a facilitator, witness, and Flow of Grace channel for others, deepen your co-creational practices with Spirit, and facilitate higher-level work in The Field. Level Two is a highly advanced class open only to those who have completed Level One mentorship and are ready to take their practice to the next level. Classes include:

  • Intentions. Yours and clients.

  • Creating a Container / Not-Knowing / Empty Presence.

  • Listening with Your Body / Your Body as a Guide

  • Short treatment & Full Treatments on others

  • Working with the Spirit-Soul, Emotional Energy, and Thoughts/Beliefs

  • Energetic Emotional Processing techniques.

  • Being a Facilitating Witness and Channel

  • Meeting and Supporting the Inner Child

  • Communication with Clients.

  • Working with Organs and Chakras on Others

  • Misaligned Consciousnesses/Frequencies

  • Relational Energy: Supporting Relationships

  • Energetic Entanglements / Cord Cutting

  • Karmic Contracts /Balance Give & Take

  • Past lives / Integration of Soul's History with Present Incarnation

  • Gaian and Galactic Energies / Galactic Histories

  • Deepening Co-creation with Spirit

  • Working with the Field

  • Trust. Integration. Completion.

We’ll meet over the phone, zoom, live in person, or a combination depending on your location. A detailed class syllabus will be shared before we begin.

  • The archetype of the High Priestess embodies this work. 

    What exactly is a High Priestess?   Do I have to wear a robe, read tarot, and drink out of an oversized chalice? 

    You can if you want, but it’s not required.

    A High Priestess knows that she knows. She knows she is a divine expression of power and wisdom.

    She has taken on the responsibility and role of living from that knowledge.

    She has come to a place in her life where she is ready and willing to be a leader and to be of service; in service to her desires, her family, or her community, or all of these.

    She is willing to lead by example and create honesty and integrity in her relationships.

    She doesn’t compromise her truth.

    Her joy comes from honoring her path, from sharing and service, and sometimes shopping.

    The High Priestess must fearlessly embrace her own divinity, and her own darkness in order to have the power to hold the space for others to grow into and explore theirs as well.

    When a woman reclaims this archetype, she enters into seriously playful intimacy with the powers that create our lives.  

    She sees herself as sacred and recognizes it in all.

    She endeavors to awaken and call forth the sacredness in others in the most loving way, so that they too can live from their sourced-self.

    She recognizes the sacredness of everyday life and is willing to share that with others through ritual, play, ceremony, and most of all by example, as her divinity is in her body, her being.

    She vibrationally shifts others with her presence.

    She radiates healing and right-alignment without an agenda.

    The Priestess’ work transcends one’s personal idea of what change looks like for others.

    She trusts in the highest expression of others, and she calls it forth for them easily.

    She has the courage to follow her self-wisdom.

    She takes time to listen to self, to spirit, to guidance.

    She can ask for support and clarity and help.

    She knows the power of being vulnerable.

    The Divine Feminine energy is re-emerging on earth via our bodies to bring about changes in human consciousness.

    It is not so much about Doing, or yoga, tattoos, or crystals,… nor seeking followers,

    being The Priestess simply means reCLAIMING YOUR OWN WISDOM and ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE in your BODY.

    The Priestess knows that this is HER time.

If you are interested in mentorship and would like to be notified when Healing School opens, enter your email below.